the writing process: tips to stop worrying and start writing

The Writing Process: Tips to Stop Worrying and Start Writing

So, you’ve decided to write. In a journal. About your life. This should not be a daunting task, but sometimes it can be pretty intimidating.

I’ve talked before about being a perfectionist. I often sit down, stare at the blank page in front of me, and worry that whatever I write won’t be good enough. I worry that my handwriting won’t be pretty enough. I worry that whoever reads the entry in the future will think that I’m ridiculous. To battle these perfectionist worries, I’ve created my own routine for writing.


fine print journaling: the writing process - tips to stop worrying and start writing

First, I set up my environment. I like to write at my kitchen table in the morning, or in my bed before I go to sleep. In both of these places, I’m comfortable, and focused on what I’m doing.

Second, I pick a good pen. This is key for me. If I don’t have a good pen, I worry about how smooth my handwriting will be.

Last, I make sure to focus my journal. I have a journal for my morning pages, a journal for exercising, a journal for recounting what happened that day, a journal for work, and my Passion Planner, which is kind of a journal/planner combo.

For me, having a lot of little journals, rather than having one big journal for all the things, really makes me aware of my purpose in writing. No matter what kind of writing you’re doing, there is always a purpose. If I go into writing my journal with a clear purpose, I’m able to focus on writing without worry.

fine print journaling: the writing process - tips to stop worrying and start writing


This process is really very simple. It was mostly a trial and error process of figuring what works for me. The biggest thing is letting go of the concern I have of being good enough. Writing morning pages has helped me A LOT and I really recommend starting to write them if you have this same concern.  

I also remind myself often that I’m writing these journals for me, and only me. If someone reads them 100 years down the road and thinks that I was a crazy lady, then so be it. I know that when I’m writing them I am being my truest self and that is as good as I can be.

Be sure to check out our start here section and the articles below for more tips and tricks on how and why to start journaling!

why we journal
the beginner’s guide to journaling
when to journal
what not to do when journaling

Do you have a routine for writing in your journal? Share it below!


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