4 Ways to Stay Grounded

Hey there 🙂 How are you coping with our new normal? I hope you’re doing really well, and if so, this post may be something to tuck in your back pocket for when things get tough. If you’re struggling, hopefully this post will help bring you some peace!

4 Ways to Stay Grounded

I, for one, struggle most days with our new normal and, you know, everyday inconveniences. Lice (!!!), pandemic, social justice, distance learning, job seeking, impactful elections, wildfires, power outages… 2020 sure has dealt a rough hand so far! Did I mention lice? Ugh.

When my mind starts racing and I can’t stop the spiraling stress-inducing thoughts, here are 4 of my go-tos to stay grounded and present.

Yoga: I have turned to my yoga mat for decades as a place to move my body in a way that feels good. I focus on my breath and feel my body relax as I pass through the poses. I come out of yoga feeling lighter, more free, and happy – the opposite of the overwhelmed and stressed person I was before yoga.

Try these free yoga resources I love:
Yoga with Adriene, Amanda Bisk, and Nike Training Club’s Alex Silver Fagan (NTC is a free app with amazing workouts and yoga)

Before Yoga : After Yoga @Huebucket

Journaling: For me, journaling is the epitome of becoming present and grounded. Writing about what’s on my mind helps me to zoom out on the problems, look at them in a way that’s manageable, and then zoom in on the things that matter most to me.

Journals I love: Of course, FPJ’s guided journals!

Before Journaling/ After Journaling
Before Journaling : After Journaling @justgirlproject

Connecting with Nature: Being outside is my favorite way to disconnect from the day and reconnect with myself. Fresh air, a change of scenery and the sounds of the birds are naturally relaxing for me. Mother Nature sets a good example of rolling with what’s dealt and blooming where you’re planted.

Try this: Go outside, and take 3 deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Next, let your gaze land on the horizon. Slowly begin to rotate your body to the left, tracking your horizon line. Move your eyes up and down every tree, every roofline, every distant mountain. Notice every piece of earth that touches the sky. Then take 3 more deep breaths. Smile.

Connect With Nature

Meaningful connections with people I love: Quarantine has made it easy to spend lots of time with people I love, namely, my kids and hubs. But meaningful time is hard to come by when we are all together, all the time, everyday. Simple things like going for a walk with one of the kids, FaceTimeing my sister, and doing house projects with my husband are simple things I do to connect with the people I love. Quality time like this helps to erase stress by shifting my focus away from the unknowns to instead focus on the person I care about. Laughing, joking, and sharing stories helps keep me grounded in heavy times.

Try this: Set aside 1:1 time with somebody you love. Look at their face and let your heart fill with the knowledge that even in hard times, you are loved and loving.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or like your swimming against the current, try one of these simple methods of reconnecting with your self and what matters to you! Let me know how it goes!


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