how to gain clarity when life is full

We are all are so busy. There are always at least 10 balls in the air and it’s on us to keep them from falling. Pressure comes from work, school, our partners, our kids, our parents, society, and the mirror.

Prioritizing becomes tricky, as everything needs our attention and energy and time and love.

We know that journaling has scientifically proven health benefits, but when we are swimming so hard to keep our lives afloat, how can we possibly squeeze in 5, 10, 30 minutes to ourselves to write about what’s on our minds? There is so much to do! Adding another task would just muddy the waters we’re treading, right?

Well, maybe.

clarity quote

Journaling does take time. We spend precious minutes writing about what we think, what we’ve done, and what we need to do. Time that could be used for other projects are used to explore what we care about. Who we are, who we used to be, and who we will become.

While journaling certainly takes time, it also gives us time. It gives us clarity into what is truly important to us. Journaling helps to prioritize all of those balls in the air, so we know with certainty which ones must remain high and which ones can be set down for a minute.

Writing down what’s on our minds can provide us with accountability, as we write down our goals and the steps needed to meet them.

Decision making – both for the simple choices and the life changing moves – becomes simpler as we consistently express, to ourselves, what matters to us.

This type of clarity is priceless, yet costs nothing more than a pen and paper to start obtaining. Let’s clear up those waters we spend our days treading while simultaneously clearing our thoughts and minds.

We are so busy. Let’s do ourselves a favor and journal about it.

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